What You Get

This ebook includes 3 training templates. There’s one for pure strength, one for powerbuilding, and one that combines aspects of strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning.

I've also included an appendix with tips on warming up, recovering, and performing accessory work.

Please note that this is an ebook and does not include Excel spreadsheets.

For the past few months, I’ve been offering a custom split design service for guys (and girls) who want some help with their training, but don’t want to make the full commitment that comes with online coaching.

I’ve had a ton of fun with this — I love writing training splits, and I’ve gotten to work with a ton of unique individuals and goals. I had one guy who wanted to get ready for a photoshoot in 40 days; another who had to train around a pretty serious head injury; and quite a few who wanted to transition from powerlifting to bodybuilding or vice versa.

In this book, I’ve taken three of the coolest splits I’ve written and generalized them to fit nearly any situation. There’s a pure strength program, a powerbuilding program, and a “lifestyle” program that combines aspects of strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning.

You won’t find pre-planned progressions here, but honestly, I think RPE-based training can be just as effective.  If you really prefer a clearly delineated progression, you’ll find my contact information (along with some other info) in the appendix. Shoot me an email and we can try to figure out a strategy that works for you.

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